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Blog : 4 tricks for disinfecting a sponge


how to disinfect and clean a sponge ?

The sponges get dirty very quickly and quickly become bacteria nests. To disinfect and clean them, discover these 4 tips.

white vinegar

Fill three-quarters of a bowl with a mixture of equal parts water and white vinegar. Immerse your sponge in the mixture. Heat the whole for 2 minutes in the microwave. Allow the sponge to cool before using. If you do not have a microwave, simply soak your sponge for 24 hours in the preparation; your sponge will be rid of bacteria. This trick is only valid for synthetic sponges. Never put a sponge with metal fibers or a dry sponge to heat in the microwave oven.


Squeeze the 1/2 lemon juice into a three-quarters full bowl of water. Dip your sponge overnight. The next day, she will be all clean!

bicarbonate OF sodA

Prepare a container with 1 liter of hot water, dilute 1 tablespoon of bicarbonat of soda. Dip the sponge for 4 hours, rinse with clear water and wring it out.


Place your sponge in the cutlery basket of your dishwasher. Hold the sponge in place with a lid.


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