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Blog : 7 tricks to eliminate kitchen odors


How to eliminate odors from the kitchen ?

Some unpleasant odors, can invade your kitchen. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to get rid of these smelles. We offer 7 tricks of grandmother natural and effective to eliminate them.

a natural ambiance scent in the kitchen

To prepare a natural scent, which will eliminate bad odors and diffuse delicious scents in your kitchen, boil orange peel in water for about 5 minutes. Then, leave the mixture in its container and in the open air. The scent spreads naturally in the room.


When these odors are moderate, just drop a small bowl filled with bicarbonate of soda to make them disappear. If the smells are strong, prefer the ground coffee, which will have a bigger action. A half lemon, on which a few cloves have been planted, can also be very effective. Finally, if the smell that emerges from your fridge is sour, then add charcoal. Each element must remain several days indoors to properly absorb odors.

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An oven without an unpleasant odor.

Your oven keeps a smell of the dish you have just cooked? To get rid of this, nothing is easier: Once your oven is off and empty - but still hot - you just need to put the bark of a lemon on the rack until the oven is cold, and magically, the odors are eliminated!


For many reasons, a kitchen can give off unpleasant smells: meat, cheese, frying… to eliminate these odors,a bowl of white vinegar can suffice! Put it, not covered, on one  the kitchen furniture, cold or after having been brought to a boil (when the odors are stubborn).

A microwave that smells good

To give a pleasant scent to your microwave oven and eliminate unpleasant odors, just heat a little vanilla extract in a cup for 60 seconds, at maximum power.

A dishwasher without a bad smell

Your dishwasher is not full yet, but it smells bad. While waiting to be able to start the washing, deposit bicarbonate of soda on the dirty plates which it contains, in order to absorb the bad smells and that these do not spread in the kitchen.

A garbage can without odor

To avoid the odors of your garbage can, deposit the equivalent of 2 c. bicarbonate of soda in the bottom of the trash. Then put a new bag on top. For efficiency, replace the bicarbonate every 7 days.



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