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Blog : Adaptation of our cleaning services to the Coronavirus pandemic


The trust that our customers place in our ecological approach has made our task much easier. However, we have incorporated new security measures to adapt to the new situation while continuing to provide our services.

 Unfortunately, the Coronavirus pandemic has spared no sector. Given the importance of disinfection and cleaning in controlling the spread of the virus, the housekeeping sector was one of the first sectors to emerge from containment.

 In order to provide a safe cleaning service for both our customers and our work teams, we have installed some measures as recommended by the Ministry of Health and the CNESST and which are intended for all workers and employers in the Quebec.


Measures integrated into our services

 Since its creation, Le Plumeau Vert has been part of an environmental protection process and has developed a range of ecological products and equipment (biodegradable products and vacuum cleaners equipped with a Hepa filter). Adapting to the new situation imposed by the Coronavirus has been less complicated. In addition to the concept already in place, we have incorporated the following measures into our daily tasks.

 - Our franchisees disinfect their hands, wear masks and girdles before entering each residence or office

.- For customers who are at risk and who continue to request the service while remaining at home, our franchisees add the wearing of visors and respect a distance of more than 2 meters.

  • - Disinfection of wrists, handrails, switches, door frames, etc.    Change of tea towels and mops at each household (even before COVID).
  • - When leaving each house, our franchisees get rid of the masks and gans used to wear new ones to the next customer. They change all the tea towels and mops like they did before COVID.


 Our customers's collaboration

For a good control of the situation and in order to limit the spread of the virus on both sides, we also count on the collaboration of our customers to inform us in advance if they or a member of their families residing at the same address are showing symptoms of COVID. In this case, we cancel their visits until the risk is eliminated (end of isolation or recovery).







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