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438 928-VERT (8378)


Our experience in housekeeping services and residential cleaning, as well as in the development of franchises, allows us to define accurately the main ingredients for success in the relationships between Franchisor-Customer-Franchisee.

We are aware that customers, after entrusting housekeeping to a specialist team, have consequently the right, at the technical level, to receive the highest quality in exchange for their payment. At the professional level, the customers have the right to receive respect for their premises and privacy, again, in exchange for their confidence. For such a reason, all the processes at Le Plumeau Vert are based on thorough selection of the franchisees, who additionally undergo regular updating training. Even so, and in order to achieve the mentioned objectives, we rely on the collaboration of our customers, and we invite them to come up with any comments or suggestions.

As for the Franchisees, by investing in Le Plumeau Vert they engage in a project aimed at achieving a meaningful life, earning recognition for their work, and particularly, establishing and maintaining customers.

Finally, by building up the concept of Le Plumeau Vert, the franchisor aims at offering the customers a quality housekeeping and residential cleaning service, while ensuring that said objective is not only achieved but also maintained. We deliver our franchisees all the necessary technical, logistical and documentary tools to allow them to provide quality service, up to the mark of our reputation. Likewise, we provide our customers with all the communications means to deliver any kind of comments, and we invite them to take advantage of such resources.



Respect for the environment

Our orientation towards an ecological service demands the integration of this thinking and action approach in every stage of conception and operation of Le Plumeau Vert. We are willing to unite efforts with all the players of the process, with the customers and the franchisees. We seek to make a small contribution to the ecological movements oriented towards the preservation of the future generations.

Respect for our customers

We respect the choices, the demands, and the privacy of our customers; and our franchise is built upon that value.
At the same time, we respect and honor the confidence our customers place in our partners and us, and we continuously show our gratitude for such confidence.

Our franchisees are obligated to give every customer who provides them a key to their homes an undertaking in writing, which is, at the same time, an appreciation note. Such assurance is aimed at honoring their strict commitment to respect the customer’s confidence, as long as to inform on any wear or loss of the keys (immediately after it occurs), and their liability over any charge arising from the replacement of padlocks and locks.

Respect of our franchisees

Our franchisees are not mere performers of housekeeping and residential cleaning tasks. They are mainly our partners, as they ensure the materialization of our values in the field, while guaranteeing the highest quality of the service, and ensuring customer satisfaction.


We act responsibly with respect to the environment, our customers, and our partners. Responsibility is our motto.  

We strive to make all the players of Le Plumeau Vert act with a special sense of responsibility at all stages, from planning of operation plans to training, including service estimation, execution, and relationship with our customers.

We are certain that mutual respect is the basis for success. Therefore, we spare no effort to provide all the means necessary to establish and maintain a respectful, responsible relation between the Franchisor, the customers, and the Franchisees.

Le plumeau vert © 2015